September 19, 2019
The City of Tuscaloosa has been awarded a $72,000 Federal Metropolitan Planning Fund Grant from the Alabama Department of Transportation to conduct a comprehensive transit study. This study will allow the Tuscaloosa County Parking and Transit Authority to identify the best approach for optimizing and expanding service to Tuscaloosa residents. The grant requires an $18,000 match that will come from Elevate Tuscaloosa as part of the Downtown, Riverfront and Workforce transit initiative bringing the total expected cost to $90,000. Through these funds, the Transit Authority will specifically be able to identify ways to simplify the route network, reduce rider travel time, increase frequency on busy corridors, and improve access to employment, educational and recreational destinations. Tuscaloosa’s population and transit needs have grown significantly since the last transit study was done nearly 25 years ago. As Elevate Tuscaloosa projects continue to develop and expand through downtown, the riverfront and into West Tuscaloosa, this grant will provide vital information to aid in the decision-making process on items such as service hours, redesigned route service, rebranding, potential bus stop and transfer station locations, and capital investments.