January 5, 2021
As part of its Elevate Tuscaloosa initiative, the City of Tuscaloosa launched a community survey on parks and recreation facilities in Tuscaloosa that opened on January 5, 2021 and was available for 12 weeks. The purpose of the survey was to collect information on how community members are using parks and recreation facilities in the city, as well as their feedback on what could be improved about the parks. The Elevate Tuscaloosa parks and recreation advisory committee reviewed the results of the survey to help determine the course for improvements to parks and recreation facilities in the future.
At a press conference announcing the survey launch on Mayor Maddox said: “Parks reflect who we are as a community and the quality of life that we want to provide for our citizens. Thanks to Elevate Tuscaloosa, in the coming years, the City of Tuscaloosa will be able to make significant investments into parks and recreation in our community. To succeed at this endeavor, we need to know what you want to see in a parks and recreation system.”
Joining Mayor Maddox at the press conference were Gary Minor, Executive Director of Tuscaloosa PARA, and Dr. Jane Daquin, Statistical Consultant for The University of Alabama. “I’d like to thank the Elevate advisory council for making this survey happen. You’re only as good as your information, and this is the best way we can get this information about our parks,” Minor said.
The University of Alabama’s Institute for Social Science Research is consulting on the survey for the City.