The City of Tuscaloosa held a groundbreaking for the new Kaulton Park on Friday, February 2, 2024 at 2 p.m.
Tuscaloosa Mayor Walt Maddox and Councilor Raevan Howard spoke during the ceremony.
“Some of the best memories of our lives are the memories we have outside in our parks,” said Mayor Maddox. “For thousands of children we may never meet, they’re going to have those same memories in a new Kaulton Park.”
Improvements to this neighborhood park will include a variety of amenities, lighting, and security features. Among these are a new playground, public Wi-Fi, park lighting, security cameras, and upgrades to the ball field. A new, large pavilion will provide sheltered community gathering space and modern restrooms.
“Kaulton Park came into existence for the City of Tuscaloosa in 1972, so for over 50 years we did not have any renovations to this park,” said Councilor Howard. “This is a tremendous improvement for this community.”
Construction on this Elevate Tuscaloosa project is expected to be completed by fall 2024. Learn more here.